What Consequences Does the Former PAL Coach Face for Sexual Assault, Possibly 4-8 Years Behind Bars?

Skylar Lacey

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Consequences Does the Former PAL Coach Face for Sexual Assault, Possibly 4-8 Years Behind Bars

Marquis Graham, a 28-year-old former volunteer coach with the Philadelphia Police Athletic League (PAL), has been sentenced to 4-8 years in prison after pleading guilty to charges related to the sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl in March 2022. Graham took advantage of his position of trust as a youth coach to commit a serious crime that will impact the victim for life. His sentencing shows that predators will face consequences, even if initially in a position of authority over children. In this article we talk about What Consequences Does the Former PAL Coach Face for Sexual Assault, Possibly 4-8 Years Behind Bars.

The Assault by a Trusted Coach

According to court documents, Graham offered the teen a ride home as she was leaving a PAL center in North Philadelphia on March 9, 2022. However, once she was inside Graham’s vehicle, he sexually assaulted her. The victim reported the assault to police, who apprehended Graham days later hiding in a home in North Philadelphia. He initially faced charges of rape and sexual assault, but pleaded guilty to reduced charges of statutory sexual assault and unlawful contact with a minor.

Betrayal of a Community Program

Graham was a volunteer coach with the Police Athletic League (PAL), which runs community centers and sports programs for youth in underserved Philadelphia neighborhoods. PAL builds relationships between police and young residents through mentoring and athletic engagement. Graham’s crime constituted a grievous betrayal of PAL’s mission. He took advantage of a position of trust to harm someone he was supposed to look out for.

Long-Term Impacts on Victim

Experts state that sexual abuse and assault can impact victims for their entire lives. The 15-year-old assaulted by Graham will have to process this trauma at a pivotal point in her development. Counseling and support services will be critical in helping her cope with PTSD, depression, anxiety and associated challenges. Her healing will be a long journey. Graham’s sentencing means she and other youth will be protected from him for years.

A Predator Brought to Justice

The multi-year sentence brings some justice against Graham for his actions exploiting his role as a youth mentor. Assistant District Attorney Branwen McNabb said his prison term was “significant” and should deter any other potential predators currently in positions of authority over children from committing such crimes. While initially facing charges allowing a potentially longer sentence, Graham still faces real consequences and will be removed from society for 4-8 years.

Ongoing Need to Protect Youth

The fact that Graham felt able to use his position as a PAL coach to assault a child demonstrates the ongoing need for youth services and athletic programs to vigorously vet potential volunteer mentors and coaches. No level of background check can fully prevent incidents of sexual assault, but improving safeguards and accountability for people in authority roles with youth could help reduce such cases. Graham’s sentencing should encourage such organizations to take every possible step to protect children. I sincerely hope you find this “What Consequences Does the Former PAL Coach Face for Sexual Assault, Possibly 4-8 Years Behind Bars?” article helpful.

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